Web Work

[click on the company name to visit the website]

Anchor Iron Company
This maker of custom railings, gates and ironwork needed a new website that better presented their work with high-quality photography that was easy to navigate on all devices. We designed the site from scratch, developing a collection of CSS image galleries and populating them with more than 400 photographs. I created the basic design, built out all the pages, built all the galleries and processed all the photos (size, cropping, touch-up, sharpening, color balance) … and wrote all the content.

Nelson Masonry & Concrete, Inc.
Nelson knew what they wanted: a new website designed in the style of a colleague’s site. We built them a website from scratch based on the style, structure and navigation of their favorite. I created the basic design, built out all the pages and managed the project.

TAE Consulting, Inc.
An independent bookkeeping service needed an attractive website at an attractive price to represent their business. I built them this site complete, including all design, structure and content.

This is an archive that I established in 2001 and it continues to grow. Every aspect, from the underlying concept to the design, graphics, architecture and content is mine.

Ad Campaign Management

We were hired by three development teams to plan and manage their advertising campaigns for two condominium properties and a handful of custom home subdivisions. The campaigns variously included print advertising, circulation inserts, direct mail, roadway signs, billboards, on-screen (movie theater) advertising, and events. We were responsible for all aspects of research, planning, design, insertion, verification, payments, and reporting. My partner did the graphic arts and I did the rest.


Inserts & Direct Mail

We developed a series of oversized postcards and employed them as circulation inserts and direct mail pieces that proved effective in reaching our client’s target prospects. In addition to all aspects of design and production, we provided research on the geographic location of our prospects based on age and income/assets. As inserts we worked from a zip code map to insert them in publications within our target zone. For direct mail we mapped them to postal carrier routes and worked with a bulk mail house to send them out. My partner did all the graphic design … I did everything else.

[click thumbnails to enlarge]





Our developer client wanted a piece to put in the hands of their condominium residents and potential buyers that they would keep. We recommended a calendar with positive imagery and messages about the property, plus information on neighborhood and association events throughout the year.

I managed this project from concept to delivery, identifying dates and events and writing the copy. I was also responsible for photography, both shooting myself and directing photo shoots.

[click image for a PDF of the complete 2007 calendar]



We created communication pieces for developer clients, to promote their properties to buyers and prospects. The newsletter format was chosen for a sense of continuity and permanence, plus the opportunity to provide information of interest as well as promotion.

I managed the production of these newsletters from concept to delivery including story choices, interviews, photography and copywriting … everything except the graphics.

[click links for PDF of complete newsletters]


Outdoor Advertising

The concept for this billboard came from a marketing meeting where two things were acknowledged: 1.) signs are our most effective tool in attracting people to our property; 2.) we should have an authoritative spokesman for our marketing message.

For the first we went with the largest sign possible, a billboard, located right at the freeway exit to our property. For the second we chose Benjamin Franklin to deliver our message, and chose me to portray him. This proved very successful, the billboard was renewed several times, and the Ben Franklin brand was continued throughout our advertising.
